Exeter Municipal Diversion Drain
Dietrich Engineering Limited was appointed under the Drainage Act by the Municipality of South Huron to design a drainage system which would prevent residential areas along the east side of Exeter from flooding during various storm events when runoff from an upstream agricultural watershed of approximately 40 hectares flowed westerly towards town. Since the availability of land for surface storage purposes was limited, a subsurface drainage system was designed to intercept the agricultural runoff from the east and divert it north to the Ausable River and around town rather than through it. The drainage system, which was designed to accommodate runoff from a 100 year storm, consists of approximately 1.6 km of 1200mm dia. to 1350mm dia. reinforced concrete pipe, several large catch basin inlets and a berm along the eastern boundary of Exeter which intercepts the runoff and conveys it to the inlets.