Tavistock Stormwater Management Facilities
Residents along the western boundary of the Village of Tavistock were experiencing variable flooding on a fairly regular basis due to the uncontrolled runoff from the 30 hectare upstream agricultural watershed during various rainfall events. Uncontrolled runoff was entering town at two different locations along the western limits, therefore two independent storage facilities were designed and constructed at each point of entry. Pond “A” is approximately 3.3 acres in size and has a storage capacity of about 5.6 million litres. Pond “B” is approximately 3.1 acres in size and has a storage capacity of about 4.2 million litres. Both ponds are designed as dry ponds and can sufficiently detain and gradually release the runoff from up to a 100 year storm event. The outlet for the Pond “A” is into the Tavistock Municipal Drain 2006 while the outlet for Pond “B” is into the Tavistock Municipal Drain 1974.